Sometimes I like to torture words
with obscene acts to nouns and verbs.
I tie them up in sentences
and whip them till they make no sense.
I love the screams of prepositions
while pulling them in odd positions;
and conjunctions make a lovely din
when decapitated by my pen.
I bind the wrists of adjectives
just for the pleasure that it gives
and adverbs leave me hot and bothered
once their meaning is uncovered.
Interjections beg for release
with pronouns trembling on their knees.
And once my fiendish work is done,
you'll find that I have just begun
my scheme to try and make you see
it's not perverse - it's poetry.
Ha! I like this. I am working on a poem about poetry too so this was some extra added inspiration. Very nice!
Thank you! I take it as the highest compliment that one of my posts could offer you a little inspiration. :) I'm looking forward to reading yours (if you post it publicly). Thanks for the feedback, it's much appreciated.
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