Welcome To My Secret Spot

Ok, so it's not so secret--but it should be Top Secret Classified information-because I'm taking you through the dark, craggy, crevices of my dirty mind-sharing with you the sweet and the sordid thoughts, dreams, and stories that play themselves out in my head( and occasionally in real life). Sit back and relax--forget about the day's troubles and join my journey of debauchery. This blog is not for the kiddies, so if you are under the age of 18-be gone.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Moonlight dances from a distance in celebration of your beauty; lauding,
Stars dim in your brilliance- your sensuality, your femininity applauding.

An aura that spellbinds- causing even the most callous to turn their heads,
Subtle yet seductive as the very darkness caresses, while you lie in bed.

Rising up so queenly and elegant- you greet the night with skin so soft,
Gracefully you move, hardly granting a sound- angels bearing you aloft.

Oh but to touch, to taste, to experience such loveliness divine- ah but a dream,
Such splendor is to be adored, admired from afar- always out of reach it seems.


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