Welcome To My Secret Spot

Ok, so it's not so secret--but it should be Top Secret Classified information-because I'm taking you through the dark, craggy, crevices of my dirty mind-sharing with you the sweet and the sordid thoughts, dreams, and stories that play themselves out in my head( and occasionally in real life). Sit back and relax--forget about the day's troubles and join my journey of debauchery. This blog is not for the kiddies, so if you are under the age of 18-be gone.

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Monday, June 8, 2009

The Essence Of Beauty

There are so many different aspects of life that you cannot ever experience them all. And therein lies the beauty of being.

With each dawning day comes a fresh new set of possibilities. The more you choose to experience, the more there is remaining to experience.

As you contemplate all that you know, you create new avenues of contemplation. The more intensely you explore, the more new territory you open up for further exploration.

There is no end to that territory of experience. For each possibility leads surely to a whole new universe of possibilities.

Within you is life that ever yearns to know itself more fully. Every moment is an opportunity for new and unique expression.

The essence of beauty is that there is no limit to the way that beauty can be, no limit to the form that beauty can take. Now is the moment to experience beauty in a way that it has never been known before.


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