Welcome To My Secret Spot

Ok, so it's not so secret--but it should be Top Secret Classified information-because I'm taking you through the dark, craggy, crevices of my dirty mind-sharing with you the sweet and the sordid thoughts, dreams, and stories that play themselves out in my head( and occasionally in real life). Sit back and relax--forget about the day's troubles and join my journey of debauchery. This blog is not for the kiddies, so if you are under the age of 18-be gone.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Life Is

life is a puzzle.

Each piece is scattered throughout our time here on Earth and it is up to us to find the pieces and place them exactly where they belong.
It will not be easy.
In fact we will not know what the pieces are or where they may be hidden.
It could be as simple as a revelation.
Or a random act of kindness.
Maybe in the shape of another human being who may teach us the meaning of something profound.
Perhaps a journey through a tremulous time that will give us an insight to courage and hope.
It could be as simple as feeling the heat of the sun on our skin and at that precise moment revel in how warm and pleasing it feels.
As confusing as the wetness of a tear as it slides down your cheek to make you realize that you can cry when you are happy as well as sad.
Or an aroma so inviting that it can stir your senses to overload and enable you to feel an abundance of emotions ranging from ecstasy to fear.
Maybe it will be a moment in a memory that was placed in one's mind and then forgotten, to be resurrected at a time when needed the most.

Life is a puzzle.

But with each new segment that completes the corners and borders of our picture it will be seen as a accomplishment.
Not because we have failed or achieved but simply because we have tried.
There will not be a winning outcome in every endeavor we set out to pursue.
In fact we will have many disappointments that will leave us battered and unable to comprehend the meaning of choice.
But then there are the frustrations that will have us in a boundless state of euphoria and it is when we are in eye of this storm we must sit down and reflect where it is leading us and if it is the right path to follow and if, in the grand scheme of things, it will change us for the better or for the worse.

Which will you choose?

To have power in the knowledge that you can achieve all you want and not bear any consequences of your actions, or be one of the people with a conscience and stop before it is too late.
The money or the box.
They can make or break you.
Would it be better if we were all clones implanted with a switch that was controlled by a higher plane of existence.
That it was THEY who controlled our every thought and move.
Sometimes I believe that it could be like that.
We listen and we see, but ultimately it is our decision as to what we believe.

The world is a puzzle.

And it is filled with pieces that only we can put together, in any semblance of order that we like.
It could be a perfect border and corners and our centerpiece could be as jumbled as a comic book of colors with no faces or places to see.
That is where we, as an entity, come and put a face to a place and follow through the scenario that is before us.
Yes this may seem a confusing mumbo jumbo of words and too hard to make sense of but in reality if you just read between the lines it is as plain as the nose on your face.
Look in the mirror and see yourself for who you are.
Can you see that these small words are growing in capacity as you read.
And that is what life is like.
It will grow as you grow and with it will come such clarity and resolution to all that you challenge.
You may be meek and mild but have such power in your convictions as to overshadow one who is loud and obnoxious and too forceful with greed.

There we have it.

Life is a puzzle.

But with it comes such promise and the finalization of a complete picture.
It may not look like the picture on the box but it will still be your life.
And life is just that.
It is what we make it.
With all the ups and downs and the challenges it is still LIFE.
We are just a page in the next chapter of evolution and we should try to leave this world as an example.

Everyday I'm still finding pieces of my puzzle, still searching for the right spot, the right direction in which my pieces fit. Everyday I grow a little...spiritually, mentally, emotionally. I'm nowhere near perfect, but with each piece of the puzzle that comes together for me, I move closer to what I'm supposed to be. This is life.


Vanessa said...

I love learning. I love the process of self discovery. When I finally find the right piece, and it falls easily into its place... its a wonderful feeling. There are still things that dont seem right... I still struggle with some pieces...trying to make them fit where they dont...but I am way closer to completing the puzzle than I was 5 years ago!

GREAT post...insightful and thought provoking! loved it!

PS... your blog has such a great vibe! =)

Tomboy Tigress said...

I still struggle with some of my pieces sometimes too, but I suppose the pieces that are challenging are perhaps readying me to handle the more complicated areas of my puzzle-teaching me what I need to learn along the way.

Sometimes I knock pieces out of place trying to force a piece in before it's time...and I sometimes feel like just leaving it on the table for a while until I feel like messing with it again. lol

You're so right too, there is nothing quite like the elation when you find the right piece and it falls perfectly into place...I try to reflect on those moments when I "get stuck" as it were, on a difficult piece. I know though, it'll all come together in the end.

Thanks for the comment, and I'm so glad you enjoy the vibe of my blog...I love it when you stop by! :)

knowledge said...

Great post. I've always viewed life as a challenge, a game, an adventure of never-ending discovery, pleasure and sometimes pain, but in all that it is, i both encompasses us and something entirely beyond us. Like you said, "It is what we make it." Simple or complicated. Such is life. I'm still gathering my puzzle pieces slowly but surely, and learning to continually make the best out of life.

Tomboy Tigress said...

Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I like the way you described life as an adventure of never-ending discovery, pleasure and sometimes pain.

It can indeed sometimes be a painful journey, but I do believe that each challenge we overcome readies us for the next phase, if only to shake the dead, crumpled leaves off the tree of our life to make room for new, fresh, buds of purpose.

Thanks again for inputting on this post, I appreciate it !