I don't know if you know this, but I'm a huge fan of Kalil Gibran. His writings, his poetry speaks to me deeply. Recently I discovered a book by a very distant nephew of his, Hajjar Gibran. The book is called The Return Of The Prophet. Kalil Gibran wrote a book called "The Prophet" which is referenced frequently in The Return Of The Prophet, you can download the e-book of "The Prophet" here The Prophet Ebook By Kalil Gibran (if you're into spirituality at all I highly reccomend it too...download it, it's a very old book but packed with timeless wisdom!).
Now for the amazing story on how these two stories are linked.
Kahlil Gibran's universally acclaimed masterpiece, The Prophet, released in 1923 is renowned for its profound answers to life's deepest questions and has sold millions of copies worldwide.
Yet Kahlil Gibran's beloved tale left readers yearning for more after an unfulfilled promise of the Prophet's return when he wrote:
"Should my voice fade in your ears, and my love vanish in your memory, then I will return again.
And with a richer heart and lips more yielding to the spirit will I speak.
Yea I shall return with the tide…
A little while, a moment's rest upon the wind, and another woman shall bear me."
Now, several generations later, Kahlil's great-nephew Hajjar Gibran has written the long-awaited answer to this promise. The Return of the Prophet, based on Hajjar's real-life experiences, is a moving collection of inspiring words spoken to Hajjar by Kahlil in a series of visions.
After the death of his brother, Hajjar's life was a downward spiral of unfulfilling lawless activity. It was not until his mystical vision filled with the inspirational words of his dead uncle Kahlil that Hajjar's life began to turn around. Hajjar's life experiences and Kahlil's wisdom and prophetic statements are applicable to everyone, particularly in these difficult times.
Written in the style of The Prophet, but with a modern understanding of spirituality and faith that can be applied to all religions, The Return of the Prophet offers timeless advice to gain true insight into life's deepest meanings.
In the book "The Return Of The Prophet" I sincerely believe that Hajjar Gibran is channeling his great uncle...that Kalil's words flow through him"in a clearer voice, and in words more kin to your thoughts"...or my thoughts anyway. I'm through the introduction and the first chapter and already I'm moved, spellbound and enthralled by every word on the page.
Following are a couple of excerpts from the first chapter that struck a chord with me. The following is a message from "an angel" to Hajjar as he prayed for acceptance in the loss of his brother and deliverance from an overwhelming fall into drug addiction.
"The well of love that waters your garden is at times filled with your tears. And it is good that it is so, for no waters are purer than those precious droplets released in your moments of surrender.
Tears are seed drops of joy shed by your soul's physician. You may curse the physician's medicine, but the cure for your suffering is in your tears.
Weep until seeds of joy take root in the womb of your soul.
Bless grief, as it softens the sinew that shields your deprived heart. Yield to pain, for armor must be torn from you to expose your innocent strength.
I would have you find innocence with joy rather than pain. But what joy is there that knows not pain? Verily, pain is your necessity.
As your needs subside, joy will lift you with pure delight to your home in love.
Be patient, for time has a way of putting wings on tears. (Note: I think that's beautiful)
Your pain is your need for love. I am the love you need.
Drink the vital elixir from my well-spring that one day your heart may become a fountain where all whose dreams of love had died may drink. "
Also spoken by the angel in Hajjar's vision: "Just as a butterfly writhes to free itself from the confines of its crysalis that it may fly free, your journey is a metamorphosis of the soul.
From the survival instincts of primal man, you are reborn again and again, that at last you may soar on enlightened wings of love.
I am with you through aeons of rebirth just as you are with the seasons of your sentience."
I'm not gonna type out the whole first chapter lol, though I feel tempted to, as it's absolutely compelling to me...read this book! There's a beauty in it that reaches out and grabs you from the very first page. I think it may very well be a new favorite. Hajjar, if not indeed channeling his great uncle, certainly carries on his uncle's talent for the written word.
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