In an effort to shift my focus from all the bullshit lately, I tried to think about other things...I've been writing all day, so this post might be a little seems I found myself in a "mood" and it just kept going. It isn't really a poem, isn't really a story, guess it's just freewriting (in every sense of the word)...again, just an effort to shift my focus a little bit, so it may even seem to ramble (sorry, about that...100 re-reads and it seems coherent and cohesive to me, but hey ::grins:: I'm a little fuzzy lately) Lengthy as it may be, I hope you enjoy it. Sort of mixes sex and some religious references, so if that kind of material may offend you, please stop here.
You smile at me.
I can only smirk devilishly.
My eyes smolder like embers
as they scan your body slowly
examining the chances that you might be able to take me.
You think you can win
with your innocence by your side
telling you that I would never try to do the things that are racing through my head
things I would love to do to your slick flesh
consuming my thoughts like the black plague of twisted passion.
Let me tell you now.
I can take you.
You sit silently in your comfortable room
wrapped in the atmosphere
of unparalleled security
that you breathe in with complete trust
and love.
You think no one is watching.
But I am.
I always am.
When you rest your pretty head
on the dreams you hope will swallow you
when you close your eyes
I’m waiting
in the shadows
silently creeping
like a hungry spider
coming upon my prey
ready to inject my lust into your bloodstream
preparing you
so I can feast upon your tender flesh
I can take you.
I love how you struggle
against my body
making my thighs sticky sweet.
As I tangle my fingers into your hair and exert my control
Drawing your head back and exposing your racing pulse
To a wanton, passionate bite...piercing your flesh,marking you--
your body tenses so beautifully-
I love that feeling, when you're beneath me
I taste faint traces of your surrender in a drop of crimson blood on the tip of my tongue as I trace your lips apart then feed it back to you in a slow, deep, erotic kiss
I love how you growl
plead and purr. Stutter raggedly "f-fuck me"
As a single, powerful, hungry thrust checkmates your defenses
and robs you of your breath
It makes my devilishly smiling mouth water with anticipation and my head drops once more
as teeth rake the aching sensitivity of your nipples,
you lactate liquid love in an effort to appease my animalistic appetite,
and I drink you in-as if I've wandered parched thru the desert for ages.
I love the way you feign escape
Knowing you want nothing more than to be taken
Fucked, filled--felt.
I fill you. I feel you.
Yes, be my baby bitch...
(You'll still be my baby girl tomorrow)
The ever willing,ever open vessel into which I drip all of my desire
As I pin your wrists to your pillow
Hover over you, your ethereal lover,
breaking you wide open with my staunch stare
Claiming you inch by delectable inch
Scream for me. Would a feverish, well placed smack on your perfect ass help?
Or maybe a few? Yes! Scream for me.
Your sweet agony fills my ears
like a symphony created by the gods.
But don't cum, no baby, not yet. Save it.
I love this exquisite view of you rocking precariously on the edge.
I could lick your wounds if you asked me nicely.
Begged me in that sultry "Daddi's girl" voice
I could lick...
them until you are whole again.
But first
you must surrender, completely.
Your heart.
Your soul.
Your body.
Your mind.
Get on your knees, and I'll gaze down upon you.
Glowing, flickering eyes meant to captivate you
You want to be captivated,captive,captured. Don't you?
Strong fingers glide through your hair
As you bow your head
to worship
at the Temple of Mons Veneris
Persuade me through the reverence of your angelic tongue
that I, and I alone hold immense presence throughout your entire being-
Each devout stroke an unspoken declaration, that you are indeed my ever willing evidence of your adoration oozes, glistening down your thighs
You know.
I can be your savior and you could be the patron saint of my darkest devotions.
Let your sweet begging
become an endless mantra whispered into my depths-
echoing forever more
through my steaming core.
Pay your tithes through each fiery flick of your velvet tongue
and I will baptize you with a flood in the name of Love, Lust, & Belonging.
Then rise.
Yes baby.Rise.
Be mine.
I embrace you, guiding you back to the edge of our bed-
Lay back, open up for me, as my nails carve my omnipotent dominion
into your slick, quaking thighs
Let me feed upon you, consume you, devour you
tasting your flesh til my heart’s content. I'm starving. For you.
And upon consummation you become forever a part of me-I carry you within me
I must confess:
your beauty is magnificent
when you’re aching.
I love it.
And I realize that
I love you
as you writhe in my hands.
You have given me
everything I have craved for so long.
As your ache melts to bliss,tears well up in your eyes
A whispered command sets you free
"Cum for me"
And your absolute surrender spills down the back of my throat
...swallowed whole
sweet communion-and it's over...
The softest, loving kiss upon your delicately throbbing clit
…and you belong to me.