We wove through the crowd in a disjointed zigzag fashion, trying to approach some wall, any wall. The music was blaring and the room was heating, the humid tangy scent of sweaty bodies rising up in the air. I felt some of my hair sticking to my temples and raised my fingers up to quickly swipe it away. My elbow bumped into a girl as Jessie drug me through the people. The girl turned with a pissed off glare to me, I held her cold gaze, challenging her with my eyes until I stumbled and had to turn toward Jesse again.
Jesse's fingers were slipping from my hand to just grasp at my fingertips. The pressure she was exerting to hold onto me was making my fingertips throb.
We had been dancing in the center of the room, and an escalation of contact had begun. It began with the occasional bump of the hips, a hand resting on an arm. Jessie's eyes had been sparkling as she laughed on the floor. I was more serious, staring back at the beauty in front of me, watching and loving the way she moved, constantly stepping in closer. The crowd of dancing bodies helped by moving in a wave to her back, blocking us in. Once you lost your moving room, it was gone.
It was the sharp shove from behind that started it. My hands flew out to grip onto Jessie's waist as I swayed, then balanced. My fingers rested on the upper bare flesh of Jessie's waist. The skin was warm, moist with sweat, and so unbelievably soft. I let my thumb rub up on her exposed flesh. It was hard to focus on dancing, though the wild bouncing body in front of me didn't seem to struggle.
My eyes hazed over as Jesse's full, high tits bounced against me. My hands slipped unconsciously further around Jesse's waist, making me have to step a knee in between hers, slowing her dance.
Jessie's hands rested on my shoulders and her big brown eyes looked up, startled and wide, into mine. Normally I would have pulled away when my friend noticed the blatant purposeful contact. But, I didn't this time. I was elated, but anxious.
I looked down at her lips, thinner than my own, but painted a bright red. They were parted. My eyes flickered back and forth from those beautiful brown eyes to those succulent, tempting lips. My head did a little jerk forward, tilting... then paused to look in her eyes again. Then I dove in.
I felt the sharp intake of breath in Jessie's chest before I felt her lips. My kiss was soft, tentative. I just wanted to... to feel them. I barely tugged her pouty lower lip between my lips and my tongue was just moving forward for a sweep across them, to taste, when Jesse jerked herself away.
I braced myself for whatever expression of disgust, anger, shock that would greet me. My eyes were lowered and I moved my focus upward slowly to meet Jessie's gaze. I started almost immediately to apologize for overstepping my bounds, but....
Jessie was smiling! We had both stopped dancing now and were just standing in the middle of the floor, my arms wrapped deep around Jesse's waist and Jessie's arms up high around my shoulders. That was when she sharply turned, grabbing my hand, and began yanking me through the crowd.
My tummy was fluttering as we finally reached the outer wall and we paced along it, looking for some bare space. Jessie found a small hole near the back and turned her body to lean against it, only enough room for her small frame. She pulled me into her by the forearms.
My body went happily, melting into the shapely, seductive Jesse, slipping a knee in between hers until the buttons of our pants touched. I felt just a hint of flesh against her bare tummy as I grabbed her face with both hands, fingers splaying to touch all of her skin as I pulled her towards my mouth.
My tongue was not so tentative this time, but swept in between her luscious lips to finally taste that mouth I had watched for weeks since we first met in the apartment stairway. I first tasted the salt of sweat on her lips, then the sharp tang of the margaritas Jesse had been drinking all night, and then her, oh that taste--she was delicious. I moaned and pushed myself in deeper against the softness of her body, cloaking myself in the heat radiating off every inch of her skin.
Jessie's hands had quickly wrapped around me, sliding briefly over my rounded bottom inside loose fitting faded jeans and back up to just beneath my shirt, tugging the fabric away from my wet skin to run her fingers along it.
I pressed my knee in deeper between her legs, forcing them to part, and rose up to meet the sweltering heat between. I pulled off just to suck Jesse's lower lip, then tilted my head the other way and pushed my tongue in deeper, wanting to swallow her whole. But, Jesse pulled away again, eyes flickering from side to side.
I hadn't even noticed the people around us, of whom some had stopped their talking to watch. I gave them a hard stare back and grabbed Jesse, heading towards the restrooms.
The chatter in the restroom was as blinding loud as the music outside. I headed straight for the unoccupied stall, pulled Jesse in after me, and did some climbing with my legs around the toilet to be able to shut the door. There was a little chuckle from the sinks, but I didn't care.
I lunged towards Jessie, hands flying down over her perfect ass, down the back of her thigh to lift one leg up so I could put my knee back up and firmly press into her crotch. I grinded my knee into the heat between her thighs as we kissed again... hands flying up beneath shirts, scooping out tits to grasp and squeeze.
Jessie's full breasts were completely covered by my long fingers, I leaned my head down, pulling her breast completely free of the fabric and wrapping my mouth wide around her nipple, sucking, nibbling softly as my fingers moved down to work at the belt and zipper in front of me. I had to touch her.
The zipper was down and I yanked at the sides of her jeans, pulling her small frame completely from the wall with the force of my jerk. My fingers dug to the inside of the Jesse's pants and slipped down into her panties. I groaned as I felt the small patch of curls and sank deeper into her jeans to slide three fingers over her hot wet mound and outer lips.
I intended for my middle finger to just glide along the slit, between her swollen lips teasingly, but Jessie was so wet, my finger slipped inside easily and I felt Jesse's body jerk as I inadvertently brushed a fingertip over her clit.
"Mmmm, fuck, baby. I wish I'd known sooner," I whispered hoarsely as I raised up to nuzzle at Jessie's ear, my tongue lashing out sensually along her earlobe, teeth pulling it into my mouth.
"Just fuck me... please," Jessie whispered back. "Hurry."
I groaned and hiked Jesse's thigh up my side again as the other hand dove deeper into her soaking panties, the tip of my middle finger sliding along the silky, sodden folds and down to circle over her entrance before pushing the tip inside. I curled it slightly upward to rub the small little grooves at her entrance.
"Hurry," Jessie panted again.
I pushed two fingers inside and thrust them up into her to the knuckle.I pulled my body back and shoved my entire frame against Jesse, pinning her to the stall with my weight as much as my desire as my fingers thrust in deeper. I pulled away again and shoved forward with my whole body, our bodies molding together in that brief, passionate collision.
Jessie's back banged into bathroom stall wall. She was reaching up to grip onto the top of the doorway as she let me shove into her. Her head was turning side to side as she grunted.
"Oh my God, are they...?"
I heard the voices from outside the stall and moved my head to cover Jessie's mouth with mine, languidly, deeply kissing her, both of our nostrils flaring as we panted into each other.
I quickened the pace, finger-fucking her divine pussy, her pants and panties were keeping my hand in tight, confined, but also allowing the base of my palm to grind into the Jesse's clit. My hand was soaked and I clearly heard the sexy, wet smacking sounds of sheer, complete arousal. I reached around with my other hand and sunk it inside the back of her pants over Jessie's ass and pulled her in tighter.
Jessie was starting to buck back against my hand and I knew she was close, so I pushed my palm into her clit tighter, increasing the pressure. Jessie tore her lips away to cry out and my free hand swept up her back to grab onto the sweaty matted hair and pull it back. I sank my teeth into Jesse's throat as her neck arched and felt the spasms and violent quaking of her body in my hands. I held strong, manuevering my palm furiously against her clit, every nerve grasping onto the reactions of the body in my hands.
The hard grunt and jolt, and the sudden ooze of cream from Jesse signaled her release, her walls rippling and milking my fingers until every last spasm stopped and I slowly, reluctantly pulled my palm away. I slowly pulled my fingers free and heard the sweet kiss of wetness as they left her pussy. I pushed into Jessie, holding her up, supporting her against the stall, both of us panting.
I turned my head a little, bringing up the dewy, glistening fingers to my nose to inhale sharply. I sucked my fingers clean, turning to Jesse and kissing her again, pushing the taste of Jesse's own pussy into her mouth.
I leaned away into the opposite wall and watched Jesse fumble with her pants. Jessie paused and unrolled a bit of toilet paper and dug inside her pants to wipe some of the wetness from her panties before we could leave. I chewed my lip, wanting to clean that up with my mouth, not to waste it on the tissue. But, glancing around the stall -- definitely not here.
I opened the stall door and rested my palm on the Jesse's back, who walked drunkenly from the stall, past the staring eyes of the other women in the room and out into the dark of the club. I pressed at her back and guided Jesse to the door and out into the cool air. I leaned over her shoulder with a raspy growl and a whisper , "You're going home with me."
Tigress Haiku: At the club last night--I fucked her in the bathroom--Damn, that was good sex.