I have, you see, a simple style
In my cargo shorts, a tee and a smile
My style revolves around no fancy labels
I can walk in a room and I'm still able...
To turn you on.
Fuck Versace, de la Renta, and Louis Vuitton
I'm not a slave to fashion trends
That shit starts and that shit ends
And then it's on to something new
And not one bit of it was ever "YOU"
I have, you see, a simple style
In my cargo shorts, a tee and a smile
I like 'em a little loose
It's a sensory thing for me
Don't like to feel constricted
I like my movement to feel free...
Like the wind.
Fuck a trend.
I need no one to define my style
I'm a star baby
In my cargo shorts, a tee and a smile.
I'm not knockin' you fashionista's
I'm just "doin' me"
But I'd bet you'd look damn sexy
In cargo shorts and a tee...
Then add the ultimate accessory
So very versatile
Tie the look together
With a mesmerizing smile...
But then you'd be copying me
That's what style is all about.