Welcome To My Secret Spot

Ok, so it's not so secret--but it should be Top Secret Classified information-because I'm taking you through the dark, craggy, crevices of my dirty mind-sharing with you the sweet and the sordid thoughts, dreams, and stories that play themselves out in my head( and occasionally in real life). Sit back and relax--forget about the day's troubles and join my journey of debauchery. This blog is not for the kiddies, so if you are under the age of 18-be gone.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Monday, June 29, 2009

Tortured Words

Sometimes I like to torture words
with obscene acts to nouns and verbs.
I tie them up in sentences
and whip them till they make no sense.
I love the screams of prepositions
while pulling them in odd positions;
and conjunctions make a lovely din
when decapitated by my pen.
I bind the wrists of adjectives
just for the pleasure that it gives
and adverbs leave me hot and bothered
once their meaning is uncovered.
Interjections beg for release
with pronouns trembling on their knees.
And once my fiendish work is done,
you'll find that I have just begun
my scheme to try and make you see
it's not perverse - it's poetry.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Kiss

A glistening tear
Rolls down her cheek
Eyes gleam, wet
And knees shake, weak

The softest sigh
Warm on the face
Safe, secure
In deep embrace

A perfect smile
As lips do part;
Grow closer
As love grips the heart

The tiny pulse
That beats with thrill;
Goosebumps prickle
In tender chill

A single kiss and time stands still


Becoming Me

"Daring? Yes. Presumptuous? No. There is a humility and simplicity--and just enough mischief--in the writing that makes it somehow plausible that the persona of God has written this ...describing the enormous complexity of creation in terms of self-discovery. This video really touches me, the first time I watched it I cried. I just thought I would share it with all of you. (Press pause on the music player above to watch video). That from which we come, to that we also return. I also LOVE the last line--which is "I still love you...little me".


3 Things

Three Things
Created by andy and taken 354614 times on Bzoink
Three things that scare me:
1: Losing a loved one
2: Heights
3: Violent Storms
Three people who make me laugh:
1: Margaret Cho
2: Carlos Mencia
3: Kat Williams
Three Things I love:
1: My family
2: My animals
3: Writing
Three Things I hate:
1: Being lied to
2: People that can't drive
3: The smell of parmesan cheese
Three things I don't understand:
1: War
2: Politicians
3: Racism
Three things on my desk:
1: Pens
2: Pepsi
3: Camera
Three things I'm doing right now:
1: Filling out this survey
2: Watching TV (European Vacation)
3: Greening my aura
Three things I want to do before I die:
1: I want to own a new age holistic/spirituality center. (One day)
2: I want to do some extensive traveling, exploring, leisurely touring of the world.
3: Publish a book
Three things I can do:
1: Digital Art
2: Play the djembe
3: Web design
Three ways to describe my personality:
1: Demanding
2: Playful
3: Protective
Three things I can't do:
1: I can't whistle very well (sometimes I can, sometimes I can't...it's the wierdest thing.)
2: I can't do anything mechanically with cars (except check the fluids and pump gas) Yeah, I know that's not very butch of me lol
3: I can cook, but I can't *bake* worth a damn. Muffins, cakes, breads...are fire hazards when left to my charge.
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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Binaural Beats

This video mesmerizes me.(Press pause on the music player above to watch, or the audio will overlap.) To get the full effect, it's best to listen with headphones, but if you don't have headphones, it's still very relaxing to watch.


It is generally known that meditation is very helpful for relieving stress, overcoming depression, improving creativity, better health and a whole host of other benefits. There is no question that it is worth the effort to learn how to meditate effectively, but learning and implementing takes time and dedication. The technology of a binaural beats mp3 can make the meditation process easier, quicker, and more enjoyable and productive.

The focus of meditation is to relax the body and mind so that we can open the door to the subconscious mind. It is while the brain is in the subconscious state that we can make positive changes that will manifest themselves in our daily activities, outlook on life, and improved interactions with people.

In order to get into a subconscious state, brainwave activity must be lowered from the high range of beta (12-20Hz) into the alpha range (8-12Hz). Alpha is a state of total relaxation but still with a certain level of consciousness and awareness. You can feel an alpha state of mind when you close your eyes and allow yourself to relax for a moment.

In normal meditation you try to relax and clear your mind to allow the brain to slow down. But this can be a battle if the mind is constantly racing with thoughts of all your daily problems. As a result you are never able to fully get into and maintain the relaxed alpha state, so meditation efforts are not as productive as they should be.

A binaural beats mp3 helps to achieve these objectives by coaxing the brain into the alpha state. It does this by creating a low frequency tone to synchronize both hemispheres of the brain to the frequency range of 8-12 Hz. This external stimulus is accomplished by listening to the specially designed binaural beats recordings while wearing a set of stereo headphones.

Maintaining a deep meditative state is crucial to get good results. The binaural beats recordings are sort of like training wheel on a bike. They help you get where you want to go more quickly and easily and without falling down.

To get a free sample recording and for more understanding about binaural beats and meditation, visit http://www.squidoo.com/Binaural-Beats-MP3 Learn right now how to download binaural beats mp3's and start getting positive results from your meditation sessions today.

Yahoo Answers
How to use binaural beats for lucid dreaming?
Binaural Beats?
Do binaural beats affect everyone?
Are there any negatives to Binaural Beats?
can i get binaural beats on my ipod?

Product Details from Amazon
Sprudio Subliminal Cd: Overcome Fear of Riding in Automobiles (Motorphobia) Using Subliminal with Ocean Wave, Nlp, Brain Wave Generator and Binaural Beats. (Fears and Phobia)
Manufacturer: Sprudio
ASIN #: B000TB6VO4

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Do You Know....

Do you know that I dream of you?

I lay myself down in the warmth of my bed
And visions of you promenade in my head
I held you close in the heat of the night
Heartbeats matched, souls intertwined
Do you know that I dream of you?

Summer kisses ever so sweet
Warm bodies outlined by cool cotton sheets
Softest touch on silky smooth skin
Whispers drawing passion from within
Do you know that I dream of you?

The fluid warmth of love begins
Sizzling look and mischievious grin
The taste of lust upon your lips
Seizing tantalyzing little sips
Do you know that I dream of you?

Radiant feelings breaking free
Whirling thoughts you can not see
Senses racing with this fire
The burn of yet unquenched desire
Do you know that I dream of you?

In every hollow space I ache
And only you can fill this void
A single touch from my mirage
Leaves my senses overjoyed
In wordless communication we speak
And the air, with our desire, weeps
Tell me. Do you know that I dream of you?

Your shimmering eyes they melt my soul
Bodies connected, feeling whole
Every nerve throbbing without cease
Building towards a sweet release
We make love nice and slow
Then bask unclothed in the afterglow
Do you know that I dream of you?

As fingers twirl into your hair
I can't help but to be aware
Holding you in my adoring arms
I'm helplessly taken by your charms
Do. you. know. that I dream of you?

Then smiling I awaken

Wait. Quick realization...

And I pause...
How sweet, how distant, how true?
That delicious touch that woke me with yearning...

Do you know that I dream of you?


Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Moonlight dances from a distance in celebration of your beauty; lauding,
Stars dim in your brilliance- your sensuality, your femininity applauding.

An aura that spellbinds- causing even the most callous to turn their heads,
Subtle yet seductive as the very darkness caresses, while you lie in bed.

Rising up so queenly and elegant- you greet the night with skin so soft,
Gracefully you move, hardly granting a sound- angels bearing you aloft.

Oh but to touch, to taste, to experience such loveliness divine- ah but a dream,
Such splendor is to be adored, admired from afar- always out of reach it seems.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Blogthing: My Gift

I like this one too :-) I think it's pretty dead on.

Your Gift is Imagination
You are constantly dreaming. You are always thinking about what could be.
You love to express yourself in many ways. You have a way with words and tell vivid stories.

You love to be amused. You are good entertaining yourself, and other people find you hilarious.
You're the type of person who finds staying happy easy. There's always fun to be had!


Blogthing: The Jungle Test

Have you ever played around on Blogthings.com? I like to go there every now and then when I'm bored and take some of their quizzes. Most of them are of course bullshit-but sometimes the results sound eerily like myself, and I kinda like those. So here are the results to my Jungle Test.

You Are Intuitive

You are very sharp and shrewd. You can see the best and worst sides of people. (This is true, but I'm trying to focus more on the better sides of people recently.)

Right now, you are seeking peace and tranquility in your life. (This is also true, I'm *mostly* a calm person...but I want to transcend calm and be genuinely, and deeply at peace...unshakeable peace.)

You are drawn to people who are passionate and deep. (This is unquestionably true for me, always has been. But I'm also drawn to people who can cut loose and just don't give a fuck sometimes-in a non-destructive way, of course).

You feel like there are a few minor things in your life that need to be changed.(Yeah, like a minor correction to this one, there are a few major things in my life that need to be changed...one step at a time, one step at time).

You take time before you react.(Not always, I have been known to jump the gun in the past. ) You allow yourself to explore your options.(Indeed, I do.)


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Moonlight Stroll

I want to walk hand in hand with you

Barefoot along the beach

With a silvery, smiling moon

Gleaming high above

I want to draw you into my arms

As the rolling waves

Applaud the unfathomable depth of our love

I want to gaze at you endlessly

Just to see my entire universe reflected

In the shimmering pools of your eyes

I want to cradle your face tenderly

Breathe you into me

As the tides within us rise

Then a kiss, slow & deep—a consummation of two souls

I want to become lost in the vast ocean of “us”

As the waves behind us roll

Thinking of evolution, and this place where life began

I found eternity on this beach tonight

A kiss for every grain of sand


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Whispers 2

The whisper of the wind,
Brings you to me again
I can hear your voice,
I can remember your sin

It whispers
And it says my name
It's like you're calling,
Calling to me again!

That whisper is loud!
And it drowns!
It takes me away!
I'm lost in the memories,
Of another time and place
I know! I know!
It doesn't make sense...
But I hear you,
In the whisper of the wind...


Friday, June 19, 2009


Do you have any clue how


you remain?

You're a cryogenic



{encased in flame}

and laced with passion's sweetest secret name


and winding


down the same backbone

that you freeze

with a fireburn hum;

to feel you breathe

upon my skin

is like a dream from heaven above

wrapped in an





"I am so in love with you"

becomes preferred refrain.

(There's something stuck in my head:

it's you and I.)

We must be the same,

for we have witnessed

candlelit displays

of come what may;

I will follow you

into the cold of daybreak

painted in shades of

midnight blues


velvet grays;

an instant in space

burns brighter than the jealous sun;

meteor showers keep us for hours

until our reservations are undone.

[pardon my wandering erratic mind]

[but that moment rests upon a pedestal within the halls of time]

[and Rembrandt's strokes fail to properly describe]

[the furnace depths that rest behind your frozen lake visage]

[that I can't help but ache to kiss]

I exhale


after taking time to warm your lips

that once purred with unsure frost;

now entwined fingers

cross hearts: a promise

to be lost


in thoughts of we;

Let us paint the music;

And dance, entangled...into the stirring melody.


Thursday, June 18, 2009


Your voice shivers through me
Like breezes shaking time-worn boughs

And I can't resist that ancient call

Slide your whispers along my skin
Let them sink deep as bone

Breathe my name,
A fervant, sighing psalm

And I will lift my face to your sun
And unfurl my limbs

Singing like new leaves
Dancing in the warm winds of Spring.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Tribute To The Hot & Steamy

A friend left this as a comment on a page of mine--and I loved these pics so much, I just wanted to post them here. A tribute to the hot & steamy summer coming up--Woo! I've been in heat like this.





Painting Life Into Her

I was bored tonight--so I decided to do a little digital painting. The original is first--the second one is my version. I really enjoyed doing this one, I think it turned out ah'ight. :)

Tigress Version


Monday, June 15, 2009

The Terrace Part 2

My fingertips roamed slowly between your thighs, each sensual flutter getting closer, closer to their intended target—like a gentle winged butterfly searching for the perfect flower to land upon. The closer I got, the more intently I watched your face. I was slightly amused by the way you were trying so very hard not to be noticed…but I was close enough to hear your breath quicken then catch in your chest, close enough to watch your lips part in that certain way…that a stranger wouldn’t recognize, but I knew your lips only parted that certain way when you were in the midst of pleasurable, physical activities. I traced the tip of my tongue slowly around my lips to moisten them as you shifted your gaze to my eyes in an effort to avoid what you no doubt perceived to be the prying eyes of millions.

I held your gaze, my steady smile and my eyes reassuring you as my fingers traced delicately up the center of your sex, your moist, lace panties clinging into the cleft between your lips, becoming trapped in the softness of your folds. I felt your body jerk ever so slightly as my fingers brushed over your clit, the thin lacey fabric of your panties lending a texture to my touch that made your thighs quiver. You break our gaze and glance around the room, sure that someone is watching and just saw you react that way…though, that possibility was starting to excite you more than unnerve you, I could tell you were beginning to relax as I felt your thighs spread a little further beneath the table, allowing free and unhindered movement of my hand.

I teased you beneath the table, wickedly enjoying our semi-public perversions…I curled a single finger behind the sheer front panel of your panties and gave them the most gentle tug, sawing the lace between your swollen lips, applying just the right amount of pressure to your clit as I hold you there for a moment—a muted, secretive gasp slipping from your lips. I feel your hips rolling almost imperceptibly, but I feel it baby…the way you push yourself against my grip, causing your panties to tighten and rub harder against your sensitive clit as your wetness slowly seeped, eventually soaking the lace in your creamy emissions.

My eyes rest, sparkling upon your beautiful face, my lips turned up slightly at the edges in a soft, seductive, perpetual smile as I release my grasp on your panties and slip my hand beneath them, cupping your sex possessively as my fingers melted into the molten heat pouring from within you…you rocked your hips forward and two fingers slipped into your depths, seeking the source of your fire. My fingers swirled, dipping and exploring, fingertips curling inside of you and scooping out your nectar to bathe and soothe your aching clit.

I could hear your breathing becoming quicker, more labored as you struggled in vain to deny the pleasure of my touch, trying so hard to maintain your composure as I tried so hard to unwind you, stroke by stroke beneath the table.

I could hear the softest sounds of your wetness as my fingers thrust deeper into you, scissoring inside you and making you feel impossibly full as the heel of my hand pressed deliciously into your clit, grinding into you as the tips of my fingers stroked every ridge, every velvet fold, every detail of your clenching sex…coaxing your wetness out of you and deliberately teasing your pulsing clit until it felt so tight, like a firm, juicy berry about to burst at the peak of ripeness.

Suddenly your thighs quake and you grasp the edge of the table, still trying your damnedest to retain your composure as your juices begin to flow, covering my fingers in a flood of liquid fire. I clenched my teeth to try to retain my own composure as I felt your walls rippling around my fingers, my nostrils flaring as it takes every bit of restraint I have to keep from scooping you out of your chair and shoving my tongue down your throat, or sweeping my arm across the table to lay you down and take you right here.

I stayed inside you until I felt your rhythmic clenching subside, until the luscious spasms receded, and slowly, reluctantly drew my slightly pruned fingers out of you, that perpetual smile still playing on my lips as I bring my fingers secretly beneath my nose to inhale the bouquet of my sweet flower. I kissed the tips of my fingers catching the faintest taste of your rousing essence and flashed you a wink full of promise of continuing our celebration behind closed doors.

I watched you with twinkling, amused eyes as you squirmed in your seat as I leisurely finished my glass of wine—I enjoyed watching you squirm, knowing that beneath the table you sit shrouded in delectable wetness, knowing that this little dinner….was merely foreplay. “Check please!”


The Terrace Part 1

We had arranged to meet for dinner at the exquisite 4 star restaurant “The Terrace” to celebrate your recent promotion at work. Executive marketing director. You sounded thrilled over the phone when you called to tell me, and I was thrilled for you. You had been working so hard to move up in the ranks and your well earned success was finally coming to you. Our reservations were at 8:30 but you texted me just as I arrived at the restaurant to inform me that you would be a little late…”Will b a few mins late. Dreadful business attire. Slipping n2 something else. Wait 4 me?”.

The hostess approached just as I texted back a quick “Of course, don’t be long” and clicked my phone closed. “Reservations?” she asked with that honey sweet inflection most hostess’s have. “Yes, I called for an 8:30 reservation, Nichols?”. She scanned the reservation list and found my name and inquired about the reservation being for two. “My girlfriend is running a little late, she’ll be arriving soon” and with a far too bubbly “wonderful! Right this way” she led me to a candlelit table in a dim corner of the sparsely populated restaurant.

The restaurant was beautiful. Sparkling, immaculate crystal light fixtures hung like giant diamonds from the ceiling, though for their size, the lighting they offered was minimal. Perfectly pressed, pristine linen tablecloths covered every table…candles casting dancing shadows onto their surface. The ambiance of the room was dark, sultry, romantic.

I sat down at the table and took the initiative to order a bottle of wine while I waited for you to arrive—23 minutes and a glass and a half later you appeared. I paused mid-sip of my wine to drink you in, my dark eyes flickering, a smile forming at the rim of my glass before I sat it down on the table, enraptured by the sight standing before me. You were wearing a dangerously short black skirt that clung to your curves like a second skin. As if the length of the skirt weren’t tempting enough, a provocative slit up the side provided the most delicious glimpse of the top of your smooth, toned thigh. I felt my breath catch in my chest for a moment as my eyes continued boldly roaming over your frame, devouring you. Your blouse was a delicate, sheer black number with a low plunging neckline that showcased your cleavage perfectly, and the most subtle outline of your nipples was apparent beneath.

“Wow! You are looking positively scrumptious!” I exclaimed as I rose from the table chivalrously, hugging you then placing a gentle hand on the small of your back as I pulled out a seat for you, next to mine…rather than the cold, impersonal “across the table” kind of dining, I preferred dining with you as close to me as possible, it’s always been that way. I want, no, I need your presence near me, your mere proximity does something indescribable to me…you slid into your seat with the majestic gracefulness of a slick feline, you carry sexy so well. Your full lips spread into an ingratiating smile as an almost shy giggle escaped you and you averted your eyes to say “Thank you, I’m sorry I kept you waiting…it’s a special occasion, I just wanted to dress it up a little”. I slid into the seat beside you, returning your smile with a warm smile of my own “No apologies baby, it’s your night, I’ve would’ve waited as long as I had to in order to celebrate it with you”…with that declaration I leaned towards you and placed a lingering kiss on your cheek and whispered “congratulations” into your ear. You squirmed in your seat a little as the heat of my breath kissed your earlobe and another smile danced across my lips. I sat back up straight in my chair and poured you a glass of wine and then topped off my own. We sipped and talked as we waited for our server to appear, our body language, our smiles, the range of looks passed between us would tip off any attentive observer that you and I were much more than friends. Though, I didn’t really care who may be observing our exchange, I was lost in you…no one existed in my world right now, but you.

Dinner was exquisite. We picked at our food as the wine flowed freely, making lustful eyes at each other as we ate…feeding each other a bite here and there for the simple pleasure of watching the other take the food from the sparkling silver dinnerware—eyes locked as an electric passion was silently conveyed between us. Feeding each other is such a sensual, sexual act to me.

As we ate my hand would slip beneath the table and rest on your mostly exposed thigh, squeezing my fingertips into your flesh gently. I would smile as my fingertips fluttered lightly, tracing intricate patterns on your thigh and playfully reaching higher as you looked around nervously. “What are you doing?!” you asked, your voice thick with false indignation at the very same time your lips curled up in what you thought was a discreet smile. But I saw it, nervous though you may be…you were enjoying my secret explorations beneath the table—hidden, yet fully exposed to the other wandering eyes in the restaurant.

The only response I gave you was a wry, little smile…I was going to keep going, until you verbally told me to stop, and meant it or until….

You continued to pick over your food, trying to maintain an air of innocence above the table as my hand moved deftly upward beneath the table, a gentle, warm, flat palm against the inside of your thigh, urging them quietly apart. You shifted in your seat, nervousness gripping you once more and you squeezed your thighs shut, trapping my searching hand between them for a moment. I gazed into your eyes, my dark, adoring eyes speaking to you, urging you…coaxing you with the depth of desire in my stare.

I bit my bottom lip and gave my fingers a wiggle between your thighs, and slowly you released your grip on my hand, your toned legs parting as your reservations crumble beneath my craving. I watched your face closely as my fingers traced their way up your creamy flesh, your heat radiating so strongly that I could feel how hot you were before ever touching your sex. I smiled at you, picking up my wine glass with my left hand and taking a sip...in order to avert any suspicious eyes, or perhaps the excitement of the moment just had me feeling slightly parched.
